April Newsletter

We are excited to share our latest  Haruko newsletter with you.  


After the March rally, digital  assets had a continuation of positive price momentum through the end of  April. We saw Bitcoin and Ethereum record gains of 3% each, generating an  impressive 77% and 56% YTD return in 2023. In contrast, Nasdaq and gold  outperformed in 2023 by only 20% and 9% respectively. The digital asset price  momentum is particularly impressive in light of the persistent regulatory  headwinds.


In April, the focus of the  market moved from Bitcoin to Ethereum. Following the successful PoS  merge in September 2022, Ethereum network completed a follow up Shapella  upgrade in April. The long-awaited upgrade has enabled the native ETH  unstaking from Ethereum network validators. Despite this, we saw a notable  pick up in new validator entry in excess of exit cue, reflected in a 3.5x  rise in staked ETH deposits. 



As expected, the ability to unstake  has significantly de-risked ETH as a yield bearing digital asset that is  primed for institutional investor adoption. As the secondary market price of  staked ETH converges with its unstaked ETH, we expect to see a pick up in  Beacon Chain deposits above the 50% mark seen on other PoS chains. The blockchain  staking infrastructure is also on the path of convergence towards rapid  institutionalisation.



This is why we remain  committed to building a resilient blockchain infrastructure and battle-tested  digital asset management products, including staking tools, to meet the  growing demand from institutional investors.


Our aim is to remove complexity and  enable you to safely access growing digital assets opportunities. 


Intuitive UI enhancements


Over the past month, we  have been busy enhancing the performance and UI for your Haruko dashboard.  The latest update significantly improves the speed of your platform while  enabling new and more intuitive tools to seamlessly monitor your CeFi and DeFi  risk exposures all in-one-place.


The extensive Haruko UI update  covers derivative risk and pricing, trade booking, API alerts, equity  balances and Haruko DeFi wallet tools. In addition, we are continuously  improving the UI for our comprehensive portfolio monitoring and notification  engine to enable real-time risk management. 


Seamless  and intuitive UI enhancements.  



Advanced Bitcoin wallet tracking


We are excited to share  with you an upgrade of our Bitcoin network integration, making it easier to  track your hierarchical extended public key (xPub) from your unified Haruko  dashboard all while preserving your on-chain privacy using our in-house  Bitcoin network nodes.   


Our team has also added Ordinals  (BRC-20) decoding capabilities, enabling you to access the latest digital  assets opportunities with Haruko’s advanced risk management tools.


Private and secure monitor  tools for hierarchical xPub transactions.


Unified NFT Integration


If you're sitting on any  NFTs, you can now use our new NFT integration along with existing endpoints  for pulling your wallet's NFT tokens and their associated details.


Seamlessly track and access you  complete NFT exposures, including transfers, wallet balances and metadata  indexing. Currently available on the Ethereum blockchain only, with  additional chain integrations to come.


Track and view all your  NFT assets from your Haruko dashboard. 



We hope these new features and  integration improvements will make it even easier to stay on top of your  digital assets exposure and risk, accessed in real-time and all in one  place. 









Join  us at DigiAssets London 

We are excited to share that we  will are sponsoring and attending the upcoming Institutional Digital Assets  Conference (DigiAssets) in London on 24 - 25 May. 
 If you are thinking about accessing digital assets opportunities or  looking for an institutional-grade risk management solution, we would love to  meet you at the event. 
 You can use the below link to connect with us. 


European  Digital Assets Awards

Haruko has been shortlisted in the  Hedgeweek European Digital Assets Awards 2023!
 ✅ Best New  Solution Provider - Haruko
 ✅ Best Technology  - Haruko
 ✅ Best Data &  Research Solution - Haruko
 We are thrilled to share that Haruko is in the running for this prestigious  award. Our team has been laser-focused on building best-in-class innovative  tech solutions that enhance user experience and enable risk management of  digital assets.

Our  coverage is growing

With our coverage of  venues and protocols ever-expanding, we thought it would be useful to have it  all in one single, accessible space. 

Check out our Coverage Map 

We're updating the list on a regular basis and recent additions  include 

·          AscendEX

·          Coinbase Advance (Pro)

·          Gemini Derivatives

·          Vertex

Can't see a blockchain,  protocol or venue you're using? Reach out to your dedicated support team to  find the best solution for you and your portfolio.

Don't forget, you can use our DeFi synthetic accounts to add  any protocols we're currently not listing to complete your risk view.



    Join  our community to stay ahead of the pack  




Expand your knowledge about the  digital asset ecosystem. Explore our Digital Asset Knowledge Portal  which we have specifically created for our community.



    Curious to know more about OTC and  loan booking tools? Read about how our synthetic accounts help you manage  these risks and challenges.      





Why is DeFi risk taxonomy so  important? Having a well-structured and comprehensive one in place helps us  identify and categorise potential challenges. See some of the financial, technical and operational  risks we have identified.






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